How to mint Taproot assets
How to mint TARO assets using Tiramisu wallet
Last updated
How to mint TARO assets using Tiramisu wallet
Last updated
Press Mint New Asset on the left menu. Fill out the required information including acronym, asset name, asset description, asset supply and the picture representing the asset. The press the create button.
You have an option to either mint a currency or an NFT / Collectible.
After you press the create button you will be redirected to the minting transaction.
Minting of a new currency can take between 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the on-chain conditions and the minting queue in our system.
To monitor the procgress of the minting you may click on the TX ID which will redirect you to block explorer website for the minting transaction.
The wallet considers minting as successful after 7 confirmations.
After the minting of the Taro asset is finished the spinning wheel will be replaced with success message.
You should now be able to see the newly minted currency or NFT in your wallet.